Saturday night, following dinner, the boyfriend and I wandered further down Franklin Street and overheard some live music. That's generally a hit with us, so we decided to investigate. There was just a small door, and stairs that led us underneath the building. It was perfect. The Cave is an ideal little live music spot. There are very few people there, and the bartender tells us that it's the oldest bar in Chapel Hill. The front room housed the band (who was great by the way) and the bar. The ceilings are painfully low, and there are about three booths in addition to a little bit of bar seating. After the band finished, we wandered to the back room. Apparently this is where the regulars hang. Because there's no cell service in The Cave, they're passing around the bar's cordless phone. It's two guys and a girl. One of the guys is at least forty with dirty long blond hair, wearing a Jerry Garcia style tie dye t-shirt, and carrying around a chihuahua. The three are fervently watching a soccer game. There's a few video game machines, and a pool table. I definitely plan to go back, it sounds odd, but I loved it. Everyone ordered the $2 Miller High Life, so I did too! Maybe if I go back enough, they'll let me use the phone.
sounds like my kind of bar!