Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Southern Irish Pub

And now, Tarheel in High Heels takes its turn to Chapel Hill. I've been here for a few days, but haven't had the internet until now. Apologies for the brief hiatus.

On my first night, the boyfriend and I ventured over to Durham, a full eight miles from my place, to Bull McCabe's. It's a great Irish pub, something that every town has, and that makes everyone feel at home. Granted, I'm not from Ireland, but Dallas was covered in so many pubs that they become staples in the dinner and drinks rotation. Bull McCabe's has great food, including a veggie burger that I loved! I'm guessing there are more vegetarians in the triangle than in Dallas because veggie items are pretty popular on restaurant and bar menus. This pub will be a great place for the boyfriend to watch soccer! The waitresses are super friendly, another symptom of the South. We really wanted to dine in the downtown Durham area, where all of the old tobacco manufacturing facilities are, and they provide a great backdrop for any bar night (I took the photo above). Though there are plenty of pubs in Chapel Hill as well, I think I will be back to Bull McCabe's.

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